Laura Camilleri

Aura’s Top 5 Skincare Tips!

Everyone wants to know the secrets to good skin. We long for that healthy glow and flawless complexion.Getting there may not be as hard as you think. Looking after your skin well is vital, not only your face, but all over body. We have put together 5 tips that will help you nourish and protect your skin to fight the signs of ageing and gain body confidence.

1.     Good home skincare routine


Following a good skincare routine doesn’t have to take up a lot of your time, nor do you need to buy the most e pensive products to get good results. A simple cleanse, tone and moisturise routine will work like magic for your face. The most important step is finding the right products for your skin type, not all products suit everyone. Our skincare therapists here at Aura can help you decide what will compliment your skin the best from our retail range.

Once you’ve found the right product, make your skincare regime part of your morning and evening routines.

If you use an exfoliator, only do this about once or twice a week, otherwise, your skin can become irritated, which can lead to other problems.But it doesn’t stop at your face…….. Make sure you exfoliate the dead skin cells from all over your body and moisturise regularly. A body buffer or body scrub product in the shower will soften and invigorate your skin.

Don’t forget those feet! Hard skin builds up easily, especially in the summer months. Use a foot file or pumice stone to help keep that build up at bay! Then give your feet some more lovin’ by moisturising with a revitalising gel or sumptuous cream!

 We recommend Eve Taylor Skin Care Kits, Foot Duo Kits or Facial Brush (pictured below) have a look in our shop EVE TAYLOR PRODUCTS


2.    SPF

Not wearing an appropriate SPF can not only damage your skin and speed up the signs of ageing, but can also lead to more serious problems such as melanomas.

Here at Aura, our therapists are trained by MASCED, which is concerning skin cancer awareness. They are trained to look out for potential problems that may lead to something more serious. You can reduce these risks by ensuring you protect your skin with an SPF. The higher the SPF. The more protection it will give you against harmful rays. SPF should be reapplied regularly and this doesn’t mean just on a sunny day. Harmful rays can also damage your skin on a cloudy day too.

Sun damage on skin appears as dry, leathery and will age prematurely. This can leave long term changes in the skins structure.

 We recommend Eve Taylor moisture solar shield SPF have a look in our shop EVE TAYLOR PRODUCTS


3.     Diet

Our skin not only reacts to products we put on it, but relies on what we put into our bodies.Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water will help to hydrate your skin and give it the essential vitamins it need to build good structures, giving a youthful glow.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are packed with natural goodness. Nuts are particularly good for your skin, especially Almonds, walnuts and Cashews.

  • Almonds provide the skin with Vitamin E. This keeps blood vessels dilated, hydrating the skin and defending against disorders such as acne, eczema and dark patches.
  • Walnuts are known for their anti-inflammatory properties thanks to the Omega 3 fatty acids. These little guys are packed full of Vitamin B which boosts skin health and help to keep age related fine lines and wrinkles at bay.
  • Cashews have acne- fighting nutrients. They are high in  selenium (as are Brazil nuts too!) which acts as an anti-oxidant with Vitamin E. SO they will leave your skin hydrated and reduce inflammation.

 Don’t forget to drink plenty of water! You should aim to drink 1.6 litres a day. Drinking water hydrates the skin, giving a fresher, smoother appearance.


4.    Regular Facials

Imagine lying in the salon, having the most wonderful, relaxing facial…… it’s not only good for your skin, but good for your soul! You can choose from so many specialised facials that can include the use of electrical equipment and professional products. Here at Aura, we provide a variety of facials to combat various skin complaints, such as ageing skin, pigmentation and acne prone skin.

Having regular treatments will enhance the long term results, as well as the short term effects, helping you achieve amazing skin that lasts.

Trained skincare therapists will be able to advise you on products that work well with your skin and could also advise on other treatments that they think you may benefit from.

 See our facial treatment list Facials.


5.     Beauty Sleep

It really is called beauty sleep for a reason! Getting enough sleep during the night will help to reduce those dark circles under the eyes. During sleep, your skin heals and restores, making use of all of the good vitamins and nourishment you have consumed by following a good diet.

If you find you have trouble sleeping, try some relaxation music or a scented candle to fill the room with sleep inducing aromas.

Having a window slightly ajar for fresh air works wonders. During the summer months, you are likely to get hot and stuffy without fresh air coming through. When your skin reacts like this, you may be prone to breakouts.

Lastly…..always remember to remove your make up before bed!

 We recommend Eve Taylor Refyning Eye Gel and Eve Taylor Scented Candle Sets, have a look in our shop EVE TAYLOR PRODUCTS

We have put together 5 tips that will help you nourish and protect your skin to fight the signs of ageing and gain body confidence. 

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